
Still Alive.

Last week wound up being a wash for me. Through e-mails, Richard seems have made a little progress. I had a family emergency to take care of and that just through a wrench into everything.

However, I still had a little down time and honestly didn't really push myself to at least whittle away at anything. Which is, obviously a bad habit I need to expel.

Matt Fraction was allowed a Q&A thread at Warren Ellis' Whitechapel thread last week, and he had some interesting things to say about what I mention above. I'm going to paraphrase horribly, but the basic point he made to and for aspiring creators is to burn through the work in spite of everything else. Especially, if you find yourself being too critical of your work.

And that's been a problem for me for well over a decade now. I've made bullshit proclamations about getting something done, and always have the best intentions but always manage to cut myself short because I hate what I'm producing.

What is it about most creative types being overly-critical about what they do?

Even well established professionals mention how they refuse to look at what they've done in the past. Even the past three months. Makes me wonder how you ever really learn from your mistakes. Or maybe they make a passing glance at they've made to pick a few things up, but deny themselves the opportunity to dwell.

Anyway, burn through the work. Just get it done.

With that said, I've got some additional stuff to do today to further help with said family emergency, and then I'm going to fit some more time in to finish this first script.

Also, Richard and I proud to announce that we are now cross posting at:


And more specifically:


With the coming week, I plan to get back to those interviews and other things mentioned before, plus some art -- because what's a blog about comics without some art, right?

Thanks for watching,

1 comment:

  1. http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/kuszewski20091117/

    HA, I called this article first!
